Tuesday, 13 November 2018


GATE(Graduate Aptitude Test In  Engineering)
 as per AICTE meeting GATE is going to be
compulsory for all engineering students.The GATE exam will be as a EXIT EXAM for engineering students i.e only after clearing GATE student will get there degree.This decision will be for both private & government college engineering students.This exam will be conducted in the final year of B.Tech and student who will clear the exam will be considered as B.Tech Graduates & the student who will not clear the exam have to re-appear for the exam and have to clear it in order to get his/her degree.
 The reason to conduct EXIT EXAM(GATE)
  • To change the engineering education system of India.
  • This decision will help or make students concern & aware about there study.
  • This will increase the Employability of Engineer ,at present only 15% of engineering graduates are able to get job,rest all remains unemployed which creates a big  question marks on engineering education so to fix these problems the AICTE has taken this steps. 
  • This decision will definitely increase the employability of engineers and this will also make the students concern about there study .
  • this step is taken so that no engineering student have to face problems in the placement.
This decision is taken because of private colleges ,which only takes admission of students and give degrees to them they donot take responsibilities of providing knowledge to student they only take responsibilities of giving degree to student after four year and they need money from student so this all things are responsible for producing less skilled engineer and polluting the engineering education system & this all things decreases the level of engineering.so, to overcome this all bad stuffs in engineering education system AICTE has taken this decision .This will give good qualified Engineers to India which will be very helpful for the development of country.This step will also help engineering education system to maintain  its level and dignity & every engineer will feel proud of being engineer.

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